
The laser micro machines and services of GFH are primarily used in industries with the highest demands on precision and material-friendly laser micro-processing. Various detailed solutions for a variety of industries have been developed in the past. Some of these inudstries are: automotive, medical, electronics & textile.

GFH GmbH news

We keep you up to date! Stay informed about the latest technological advancements and innovations in our machines, processes, and ultrashort pulse technology.

Events and dates

Here you can find out everything about upcoming dates such as trade fairs or events.

About us
About us

The GFH GmbH is one of the global leaders and technology pioneer in designing and engineering of high precision laser micro machines with ultrashort pulse lasers.

Our team
Our team

Let’s introduce ourselves! The GFH team has been continuously developed since its founding in 1998, with the goal of providing expert coverage of all key technologies in the fields of precision manufacturing and mechanical engineering.

Certified quality
Certified quality

The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers is the highest priority for us. We see us as your partner who provides you with expert advice and support in the event of problems or important decisions.

Career at the GFH

Start your career at the GFH GmbH! Here you can find all informations about our open vacencies. We are looking forward to you job application iva our form or per e-mail.

Get in touch with us!

Get in touch with us or our partners in China or Japan. Here you can find our contact data of our Partners and contact form.