Precision production

In our in-house precision production, we accompany your customer order from process development to the finished component. Our range of services extends from the production of the first prototype to the contract manufacturing of hundreds of thousands of components.

This makes us interesting for customers for whom the number of pieces does not justify the purchase of a machine. In addition, by using only in-house machines, we ensure that the results achieved are later transferred to customer production efficiently and without risk using a GFH machine.

In addition to our entire series machines with the latest ultra-short pulse lasers, our process know-how of many years and high-precision measurement technology are available to you. This makes us the right partner for your laser micromachining applications.


  • all current machine types available

  • diverse ultrafast lasers and optical configurations
  • fully climated production environment

  • experienced engineers and decades of know how in laser technology

  • professional support from the prototype to series production
  • professional component cleaning with ultrasonic cleaning

  • qualification with high-precision measurement technology – reflected/transmitted light microscope, LSM, SEM and optical coordinate measuring machine

Head of Precision Manufacturing Frank Siegel

Dr.-Ing. Frank Siegel
Head of Precision Manufacturing

T +49 991 290 92 – 0